Meeting of the Committee on the Budget, Financial Affairs and Programming in preparation for the October 2017 session

As part of the preparations for the next ordinary session in October 2017, the Committee on Budget, Financial Affairs and Programming held a meeting on Monday, 18 September, at around 3 pm under the chairmanship of Mr Mohamed Zouiten, in the presence of members of the commission and heads of communal divisions; to discuss the following:
- Approval of the transfer of the competence “treatment of domestic waste” to the “La Capitale” inter-municipal cooperation foundation, with the transfer of financial resources necessary for the exercise of this power;
- Approval of the Draft Budget for the financial year 2018;
- Approval of the programming of the estimated budget surplus for the year 2018;
- Approval of transfers of equipment credits;
- Approval of the acquisition of plots of land under private ownership for the benefit of REDAL, for the laying of rainwater drainage canals to the Technopolis zone in the district of H’ssaine, according to estimates by the Evaluation Committee;
- Approval to acquire a ground floor, with a total area of 155 m2, belonging to the property of the “JIDAR Construction Company”, for the benefit of the company REDAL for the creation of an agency in the Laâyayda district, according to estimates by the Evaluation Committee.
The first, fifth and sixth items were discussed, while the other items were deferred to the next meeting of the Committee.