Bettana district
Bettana changed into an urban commune having a symbolic personality with financial independence by the decree nb 462.92.2 issued on the date of June 30th 1992 which limits the number of administrative annexes and urban and rural communes. And in the year 2003, and after applying the system of city unity in compliance with the law nb 78.00 related to the commune chart in accordance with the dhahir number 1.02.297 on the date of October 3rd 2002, Bettana District became one of the five districts which constitute the urban commune of Sale.
Bettana District has a central location among the urban districts of Sale city, from the north it is limited by Tabrikt District from the south , Ahssin District from the west , Bab Lemrissa District, and from the east Leyayda District.
Its surface reaches about 1236 hectares, and it is above sea level with about 60m, and average rain falls reach 545 ml a year, and the average degree of heat reaches about 23,60°c.
Its population is estimated at about 95 291 according to the general census for people and habitat in 2014, and with that it constitutes 11% of the total number of the inhabitants of the city which reach 890 403.
2.Administrative organization
Bettana Distict is one of the five districts which constitute the urban commune of Sale and which is part of the territory of Sale prefecture.In it , there is one urban district divided into four administrative annexes:
- The first administrative annex: Essalam neighbourhood.
- The second administrative annex: Bettana neighbourhood.
- The third administrative annex: Mouly Ismail neighbourhood.
- The fourth administrative annex: Essalam extra neighbourhood.
There are also in it three districts subsidiary to the authority in Bettana,Essalam,and Mouly Ismail neighborhoods.