Educational institutions

Educational institutions in Salé are found in most city neighborhoods from primary level to higher education, with a clear presence of private education especially in pre-university.

Primary education:

According to the school entrance statistics for the year 2014-2015, the number of public primary schools in Salé city was 107, with 62 797 students(49% girls), and 2338 male and female teachers.

The primary education schools are distributed among the city districts as follows:

The districtNumber of primary schoolsNumber of classroomsNumber of studentsNumber of girls among them
Laayayda1726312 6726115

Secondary education:

The statistics of the school year 2014-2015 show that the number of secondary education schools was  51, in which 46 513 students learn( 48% of them are girls), with 1527 male and female teachers.

The secondary educational schools are distributed among the city districts as follows:

The districtNumber of secondary schoolsNumber of classroomsNumber of studentsNumber of girls among them
Lamrissa 1021573643481

High school education:

According to the statistics of the school year 2014-2015, the number of high schools reached 36, with 31 027 students( 51% of them are girls), and 1473 male and female teachers.

The high schools are distributed among the city districts as follows:

The districtNumber of secondary schoolsNumber of classroomsNumber of studentsNumber of girls among them

Private schools:

There are in Salé many private schools  distributed  according to the statistics of the school year 2014-2015 as follows:

LevelNumber of private schoolsNumber of students

Post baccalaureate education:
LevelNumber of classesNumber of students
Preparatory classes07242
High technician certificate08153
The institutions of higher education:

Salé city has many institutions of higher education, among which we have:

  • Salé faculty of social, economic and juristic sciences subsidiary to university Med V in Rabat.
  • High school of technology on the road of Kenitra.
  • The institute of hotel and tourist technology located in Al-Inbiat neighborhood in Tabriquet district.
  • The national forest school of engineers in Tabriquet district.
  • The international university of Rabat with its headquarters in technopolis in New-Salé.
The institutions of professional training:

There are in Salé many institutions and institutes of professional training, among which we have:

  • The institute specialized in applied technology in New-Salé.
  • The institute specialized in applied technology in Essalam neighborhood.
  • The institute specialized in applied technology in Achmaou neighborhood.
  • The institute specialized in making clothes in Errahma neighborhood.
  • The institute specialized in applied technology in Almekinsia.
  • The institute specialized in applied technology with multiple specialties in Achmaou neighborhood.
  • The royal institute for specialized technicians in waters and forests in Tabrikt.