Terms of reference of the president
The head of the communal council is considered The one who gives order to receive and to spend the commune earnings , the one who presides its council and the one who represents it in an official way in civil, administrative and judicial life, and the one who prepares its budget and assumes the responsibility of the commune working program and signs work deals and supplies and services and presents jurisdictional issues and watches over communal interests and puts into practice the decisions of the council, and takes all the necessary measures for that, and for this purpose:
- Implements the work program of the commune.
- Carries into effect the budget.
- Takes the decisions related to the organization of the administration of the commune and determines its terms of reference.
- Takes the decisions related to creating an income and fixing a price for services presented.
- Takes the decisions so as to fix the price of fees and royalties and the different rights according to the applicable administrative and legislative texts.
- Concludes and carries into effect contracts related to debts, within the limits of what the communal council decrees.
- Concludes and examines rents and lease contracts.
- Administers and protects commune properties ,and for this purpose he keeps a record of the contents of its properties and fixes its legal situation, and he does all the conservative tasks related to the rights of the commune.
- Takes care of renting, selling buying and exchanging and any other transactions related to the private property of the commune.
- Takes the necessary measures to manage the public property of the commune and gives permissions for temporary use of it according to the applicable rules and regulations.
- Takes the necessary measures to manage the public facilities of the commune.
- Concludes the agreements of collaboration, partnership and twinning.
- Acquires gifts and legacies.
According to the laws of the second clause of chapter 140 of the constitution, the head of the communal council has the administrative authority according to the decisions published in the official journal of municipalities , he conducts the administrative services of the commune, he is considered the hierarchical president of its employees , he watches over managing their affairs and he takes care of appointing in all the positions in the commune administration according to the laws and legislations in effect.
The head of the communal council exercises the powers of the administrative police, with respect to the laws of article 110 of the regulating law of communes , in the fields of medical prevention, hygiene, public peace and traffic security, and this through taking organizational decisions, and through personal authority steps which can be a permission, an order or a prohibition , and he is automatically responsible for taking all the necessary steps which aim at guaranteeing traffic security and peace and the preservation of public health, and this under the charge of those who are responsible for achieving it or those who failed to.
The head of the council is also considered an officer of the civil status and according to the conditions prescribed by the law, he certifies as to the authenticity of signatures and to the conformity of photocopies to original copies.
And in the field of urbanization, the president of the commune watches over applying the rules and laws related to it and for respecting the restrictions of terrain preparation plan and urbanization documents, and gives permissions for constructions and division and parceling and also for creating inhabited blocks and permissions for habitat and certificates of conformity according to the laws and regulations in effect.