
According to the general  census of inhabitants and habitats in2014, the number of inhabitants in the region of Rabat –Sale- Kenitra reached a total of 4.580.866 people. 3.198.712 of them live in urban areas  forming 70%.

 Total of inhabitantsTotal number of urban inhabitantsNumber of families in urban field
Sale prefecture982 163915 658218 432
Sale city890 403890 403213 471

The number of inhabitants in Sale prefecture forms 21% of the total of the region inhabitants, while the inhabitants of Sale city alone forms 19% of the total of the region inhabitants, and 28% of urban inhabitants in the region.

On the level of Sale prefecture, the city inhabitants form 91% of the total of Sale prefecture, and 97% of the total of urban inhabitants.

Sale city inhabitants are divided on the five districts as follows:

The districtTotal of inhabitantsThe number of the families in the urban fieldThe percentage in total city inhabitants
Lamrissa district174 93444 63620%
Bettana district95 29122 36011%
H'ssaine district214 54051 85824%
Laayayda district153 36133 52217%
Tabriquet district252 27761 10128%