Public electrification
The council is interested in strengthening, improving and generalizing the service of public electrification in the different neighborhoods and avenues of the city, and that in the frame of an approach aiming at:
- Effective participation in the national policy in the field of energy efficiency and new energies.
- Openness to the private sector to manage it.
- Attributing a professional character in managing the service of public electrification.
- Improving the type and quality of presented services.
- Adopting an effective management which relies on new technologies.( a geographic system of information , a system of remote control…).
And to reach these goals, it was necessary to adopt these pragmatic measures:
- Strengthening the web of public electrification and generalizing it.
- Adopting the technologies of clean energies and using the lamps that work with LED (more than 3000 lamps).
- Affiliation to the agreement of mayors of cities And the European Program Sure about using renewable energies in the Urban field (triple target 20 /20/20 )
- Adopting a planning for energy work in the city with the help of the European Program SURE.
- Creating the company of local energy “Sale light “ to manage public electrification in the city with the partnership of the private sector and the company of energy investments .
The communal council of Sale is considered a pioneer on the national level in using lamps with the new technology LED, and which are distinguished by being economical and environmentally safe compared with normal lamps. This kind of lamps was generally used in the different streets and avenues of the old city (Avenues , Hassan II, Med V, the Green March, the Way to Meknes, Abdelkhalek Torriss, Atlas Alkabir …) and it has become compulsory for the owners of new groups of parcels for habitat to use this kind of lamps when they equip them with public electrification .
To add more professionalism in managing this sector and to benefit from the experience of the private sector, the council adopted a new approach to manage the service of public electrification in the city through creating the company of local development “Sale Nour” through a triple contract which joins the urban commune of Sale and company “Oxa Almaghrib” and the company of energy investments.