
Believing in the importance of partnership and cooperation in opening wide horizons to perform projects that would benefit Sale population, and being aware of the importance of openness to different local and foreign partners and agents in enabling the city of experiences and necessary potentials to carry out purposeful developmental  programs; Salé commune with its different boards   concludes  many partnerships and agreements with local, national and international dimensions, and which included different economic, social, cultural and environmental fields and sectors.

One of the most important of these agreements is the agreement of city mayors which was signed by Sale city as the first Moroccan Arab African city to join it and which aims at sensitizing inhabitants as to the importance of adopting new practices in saving energy and using renewable resources and new technologies in the field .  Sale commune was able through this partnership of preparing the planning of the energy work of Salé city which is considered an event on the national level in this field.

Sale city organized the days of energy and provincial conference about energy for the south European proximity countries and this for encouraging the participation in the activities which promote energy efficiency and extensive use of renewable energy.

On the international level

Twinning and  partnerships with foreign cities:

SenegalGrand Yoff2009
United States of AmericaAlexandria2010

Partnership  agreements  with foreign programs:

The yearCompanies

Agreement partnership with the program of local governance

The program of local governance which is called “the commune of tomorrow” and which puts together the American agency of international development (USAID) _Morocco section and the general directorate of local communes  aims at developing the  pragmatic measures to non-central communal governance and promoting wide participation of citizens especially youth in this governance.

Taking into consideration the fact that the  urban commune of Salé is part of the field of work of the program, and willing to benefit from it, it has signed a special protocol of agreement which aims at fixing the activities of priority that need to be applied with fixing ways of work and clarifying the duties of parts.

In spite of its optional nature, the agreement is considered an opportunity and a frame of work and it forms a support to the communal work and sound administrative management.                   

So, within the frame of this agreement, the commune was capable of establishing and activating a special  administrative cell concerned  with  internal  examination which started working in a professional way with respect to the criteria adopted in this field, and this due to the supervision and training from which benefited many internal examiners of the commune, and due to the accompanying  which was made by dependable experts and consultants of the program.

These measures made it possible to prepare a map  of  management  risks  and to put a chart for internal examination  , so the concerned entity started making a number of investigations on the level of Salé commune.

This experience knew a success with it the urban commune of Salé became a reference in this field, and this experience was presented in many  meetings , like  it happened in the study day organized on April 10th 2014 by the Wilayah of  Gharb Cherarda Bni Hssen  with the collaboration of the general directorate  of local communes  and the USAID –Morocco Branch about the topic of “internal investigation and local governance” .

Besides, the commune was capable  under  the frame of the program of making a strategy  and  a communicative work plan  after  a diagnostic of the relational reality of the commune internally and externally through organizing a number of workshops with the aim of sensitizing the elected ones and servants of  the commune and districts as to the importance and the functions of communication  for the commune and citizens .

The urban commune of Salé also benefitted from creating and organizing a cell in charge of complaints  which  was supplied by an informational system  made for this purpose, hence the mentioned structure pursued  the reception and follow-up of the complaints of citizens which the commune receives.