Terms of reference of the commune
Terms of reference of the commune
The commune is responsible within its territory of presenting close service to citizens according to the terms of reference assigned by the organizational law for communes and this through organizing ;coordinating and follow-up. And for this purpose it exercises private terms of reference and shared ones with the government , and others assigned by the last.
These include terms of reference assigned to the commune in a specific field, which enables the commune, according to its resources, and within its territory, to perform specific duties especially planning, programming, performing management and maintenance.
The action program of the commune
Under the supervision of the head of its council, the commune puts its action program and works on implementing , modifying and evaluating it. And this program includes the developmental works meant to be accomplished or contributed at within the territory of the commune during six years, and it includes a diagnostic of the needs and the potentials of the commune , and it fixes its priorities , evaluates its resources and approximate expenses for the three first years and takes into consideration gender approach.
Public communal facilities and equipments:
The commune creates and manages the necessary public facilities and equipments to present proximity services in the following fields :
- The distribution of tap water and
- Urban public transport.
- Public electrification.
- Stations for recycling used waters and liquid cleansing.
- Cleaning streets and public squares, collecting domestic garbage and similar things and transporting them to excretory waste and appraising them.
- Transit and wandering around and marking public roads and parking.
- Health protection.
- Creating and maintenance of cemeteries.
- Communal markets.
- Handicraft fairs and evaluating local products.
- Places for selling cereals.
- Road Stations for transporting
- Rest stations.
- Creating and preserving natural parks within the territory of the commune.
- Centers for camping and summer camping.
With the help of other agents from the public or the private sectors, the commune also creates and manages the following sectors:
- Whole sale markets.
- Butcheries and slaughtering and transporting meat.
- Markets for selling fish.
Construction and terrain preparation:
With consideration to the laws and rules applicable in the sector of urbanization, the commune is concerned with what follows:
- Ensure respect for the choices and rules taken in the schemes of urbanization management and all other documents related to terrain preparation and construction.
- The study and approval of the construction regulations in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
- Implementing the requirements of conditioning design and the project of rural development regarding the opening of new areas for reconstruction according to the conditions and modes determined by law.
- Put an addressing system related to the commune, whose content and method of preparation and updating are determined by a decree issued by the suggestion of the governmental authority in charge of the interior.
International collaboration:
The commune can conclude partnerships with agents outside the kingdom in accordance with international cooperation, and can also get financing in the same context after the agreement of public authorities according to the laws and rules in effect.
It is not possible to conclude any partnership between the commune or the institution of collaboration between communes or the group of territorial communes and a foreign country.
Shared terms of reference
Shared terms of reference between the state and commune include the terms which show that the efficacy of exercising them is done in group, and these terms are applied in a contractual way, either through an initiative from the state or from a demand from the commune, also these terms can be practiced according to the principles of gradual advancement and differentiation and they include the following fields:
- The development of the local economy and promotion of employment.
- The preservation and the development of the specificities of the local cultural heritage.
- Taking the necessary steps to promote and encourage the private investments, especially performing the infrastructures and equipments and the contribution in setting up areas for economic activities and improving the conditions of work of enterprises.
For this purpose, the commune can contribute in carrying out the following tasks:
- Creating houses of youth.
- Building up nursery schools and kindergartens.
- Creating centers for women.
- Creating houses for charity work and hospices.
- Creating social centers of housing.
- Building up entertainment centers.
- Creating cultural complexes.
- Setting up public libraries.
- Creating museums and theaters and institutes for arts and music.
- Creating sport complexes and plazas and sport stadiums and covered halls and sport institutes.
- Creating swimming pools and cycling fields, horse racetrack and camel racing.
- Environment preservation.
- The management of the coast located under the territory of the commune according to the laws and regulations in effect.
- Management of the beaches and the coastal lanes and the lakes and the banks of rivers which are inside the territory of the commune.
- Maintenance of the schools and schools of basic education.
- Maintenance of health posts located under the territory of the commune.
- Maintenance of the national routes which cross the center of the commune routes and its urban field.
- Building and maintenance of communal routes and paths.
- Rehabilitation and tourism valuation of old cities and touristic landmarks and historical sites
Transferred terms of reference
The field of transferred terms of reference from the state to the commune are defined with consideration to the principles of gradual advancement and differentiation between the communes and include especially the following fields:
- Protecting and restoring historical monuments and cultural heritage and the preservation of natural sites.
- Creation and maintenance of small and medium water establishments and equipments.