Inauguration of the traveling exhibition of photographs of the old medina of Salé

Mr. Omar Sentissi, president of the municipality of Salé, presided, Wednesday, January 15, 2025, the inauguration of the traveling exhibition of photographs of the old medina of Salé, organized by the municipality in partnership with the Sala Foundation for Culture and the Arts, under the slogan “Salé, roots and civilization”. The event brought together a multitude of cultural, artistic, media and political personalities, as well as a number of citizens.
On this occasion, Mr. Sentissi indicated that the organization of this exhibition is part of the cultural program of the municipality for the year 2025, whose implementation is carried out according to a participatory approach and in coordination with stakeholders. He stressed that the event represents a qualitative addition to the cultural and artistic scene of the city, as it contributes to highlighting its historical particularities as well as its rich heritage. The exhibition also aims to allow current generations to familiarize themselves with the artistic heritage of the ancient medina and to encourage them to preserve it, in addition to its role in promoting the city as an attractive cultural and tourist destination.
For his part, Mr. Mohamed Nejjar, Vice-president of the Salé Council in charge of Cultural Affairs, highlighted that the exhibition presents a collection of photographs that reflects the historical, cultural and artistic particularities of the city, while highlighting its authentic architectural features. He added that the exhibition is aimed at all visitors and residents, especially students of both sexes to unveil the history of the city and its monuments, and also represents an opportunity to organize tourist visits for their benefit to explore these secular sites.
From his side, Mr. Mohamed Lotfi Lmrini, President of the Sala Foundation for Culture and the Arts, noted the importance of this exhibition, which includes photographs of the remains and the most remarkable archaeological sites that illustrate the authenticity of the city and the depth of its civilization. He emphasized the uniqueness of Salé compared to other local cultures of ancient Moroccan cities, in particular the presence of monuments such as the Great Mosque, which is considered by its ancestral building to be one of the largest in Morocco, the Merinid Madrasah with its exquisite ornaments, the suspended water canal, and other jewels of material cultural heritage that make it a singular city.