Social Development and Civil Society: Issues and Challenges

The regional coordination of the Social Development Agency (ADS) in Rabat organized a seminar on “Social Development and Civil Society: Issues and Challenges” on Tuesday 11 July 2017, at the headquarters of the commune of Salé.

The seminar is an opportunity to discuss the constitutional roles of the civil actor in the field of social development, the relationship between the components of the social pole and the notion of social development in Morocco.

The meeting is organized within the framework of the partnership agreement signed on 29 December 2016 for the operationalization of the (Irtikae) program for the qualification of associations in the number of 90 associations between the Ministry of the Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development, Provincial Committee of the INDH of Sale and ADS.
The seminar was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development, ADS, national mutual aid, the province of Salé in addition to elected representatives, representatives of the external services and civil society.